About Us

Our Mission
At Kids Club… Teachers and Nurses Partner with Parents to Promote the Success of Each Child.
Our Vision
To Be the Standard of Excellence in
- Early Education
- Schoolage Recreation
- Mildly Ill Care
Our Values
Our behavior and decision-making processes are guided by the following key values:
Innovation: Innovation means we’re not satisfied with the status quo. We constantly strive to create and implement state-of-the-art programs and services for our Kids Club children and their families. Our cutting-edge creativity differentiates us and enables us to go from good to great.
Integrity: Integrity is about being honest and truthful in our words and actions. It means we earn the trust of others by being trustworthy ourselves. Integrity is about keeping promises and behaving is a manner that is beyond reproach. “We are who we say we are. We do what we say we will do.”
Ownership: Ownership means that we are empowered to make decisions and take actions that are in the best interest of the business and well as the children, parents and families we serve. Ownership also means that we hold ourselves, and each other, accountable for those decisions and actions.
Diversity: Diversity is about celebrating and learning from the things that make us different--our cultures, ethnicities, races, ages, abilities, family structures and so much more. Valuing diversity means that we respect and appreciate our differences and convey their importance to the children entrusted to our care.
Community: Community is about promoting supportive relationships among ourselves, as well as the families and children who rely on us. It’s about collaborating, communicating and caring. We strive to become “one big happy family.”
Ready For School Programme
Our phonics, reading and writing programme is taught every afternoon by a qualified primary school teacher, in a separate classroom within the kindergarten. When your child turns 4 years old they will attend the Phonics classes. We get regular feedback from delighted parents about this programme and comments that their children begin school in the top reading groups, with an enormous head start to their confidence and school learning.