Header has 8 designs
Property | Value |
Select Header Design | Header designs = 8 |
Show Sticky Header | Enable / Disable |
SHADOW | Header has bottom shadow = Enable / Disable |
Logo Text | Default store logo text. Work when logo image empty |
LOGO | Logo has 2 types: desktop and mobile image |
SLOGAN | Store message |
MINI MENU | Navigation linklist with additional links. Drop-down levels = 0 |
MAIN MENU | Navigation main menu linklist. Drop-down levels = 4 |
Submenu Images:
Drop-down levels = 4
3. Go to "Customize Theme" and edit section "Header"
4. In section "Header" scroll down and click button "Add Content" then "Megamenu"
5. Settings:
6. Widget section
7. Bottom banners
Limit = 1
Work on: design 4
Admin Panel > Navigation > Create linklist with social buttons. First item must be social_icons
Select social linklist in header section: