Collection page sections

Head section at collection page

Head section

Edit head section options to customize collection page title.

Go to collection page at Shopify customize theme to see collection's related section.
Check FAQ -> How to find page related section? section of current documentation for more details.

Section options

# Name Description
1 Show default title Show text title

2 Block: advanced settings. Add block for advanced settings.

Block: advanced options

# Name Description
1 For a collection Select collection which you want to apply custom changes.
You may customize any collection. Add new block to customize new collection
2 Title type Choose collection title type
Available options:
Name - default text title

Banner - title, description and background image.
Background image - is featured collection's image. Recommended image size 1920 x 478 px
Description - collection's description. This option is good for short text descriptions.
Title - collections title

Custom - collection's description. This option is good if you want to show custom HTML at category description.

Off - Disable collection title.
3 Banner animate Set animation image effect for Banner option in previous field
4 Link #1 (1..4) You can add four sublinks. Under collection title.
Set link to show sublink block.
5 Link Title Set link title
6 Link Image Set link image
Sidebar section at collection page

Sidebar section

Use this section to configure sidebar at collection page.

Go to collection page at Shopify customize theme to see collection's related section.
Check FAQ -> How to find page related section? section of current documentation for more details.

Collection page sidebar is very powerful at Mogo theme.
It has lots of options and allow to configure many blocks. In other side it requires your attention.
Please read this documentation very carefully to successfully configure sidebar.
You can add unlimited filters at sidebar. Please keep it's number reasonable (3-5 filters)
Please note Shopify software doesn't have advanced filter feature. All filters work on product tags.

You can enable/disable sidebar at general settings -> layout

By default sidebar is empty. You can add content using section blocks.
Collection sidebar section has seven types of blocks. Each block shows particular type of content.
Check next table for details.

List of block types

# Name Description
1 Collection List of collections block at side bar.
2 Tag filter Filter. You may add as many filters as you need.
Filter values - text.
Note: filter work on product tag feature. Your products should have same tags
3 Current filters This block shows active filters. You may delete some of them.
Press "x" to delete one of current filters.
4 Color Color filter. It also works on product tags.
Filter values - color (image) + text.
This is not independent block. Use Color Item block to add as many color items as you need.
5 Color item This is not independent block. You should add parent Color block.
6 Collection products Show product slider in side bar.
It may be any products: sale, related, upsell, etc.
Group products in collection and it as slider to sidebar.
7 Price range Price range filter.

Price slider configuration

Yes it looks awesome but it still works based on product tags.
And it require a lot of tags

In this example you see eight tags start with "rprice-" they all need for range price block.
This option is not recommended for stores with big number of products.
Price range block works based on steps. It's not recommended to have more than five steps.
MogoPlus app has feature to automatically add or remove "rprice-" tags to product.
Refer to MogoPlus app section at current documentation for more details.

Collection block's options

# Name Description
1 Caption Set block caption
2 List collections Set list of collections. Comma separated list.

Tag filter block's options

# Name Description
1 Caption Set caption
2 List tags Set list of tags. Comma separated list of tags.

Current filters block's options

# Name Description
1 Caption Set block caption

Color block's options

# Name Description
1 Caption Set block caption

Color item block's options

# Name Description
1 Name Set color name
2 Background Set background color
3 Border Set border color
4 Arrow Set arrow color
5 Load image Upload image

Collection products block's options

# Name Description
1 Caption Set block caption
2 List collections Set product collection to show on sidebar product slider

Price range block's options

# Name Description
1 Caption Set block caption
2 Min Set minimum price
3 Max Set maximum price
4 Step Set step (set the increment step between min and max)
5 Symbol Set currency symbol
6 Symbol position Set currency symbol position